Nobody knows how we evolved. We used to be apes. This appears to be the history. At some point we stood up straight. How that was accomplished we don’t know. We have some good theories.
And I’d like to add mine to the mix. Put it this way:
I found myself standing up straighter than ever the day it went to the next level between us.
For dVerse Open Link Nite.
For dVerse Open Link Nite.
I loved the picture.. :) :)
and the concept you wrote about was really interesting :)
Nice theory...I like it ~
Interesting theory for sure, I still say the aliens did it. Big grey talking cows, yep that's my theory and I'm sticking to it...haha
I love this profound metaphor.
i think you might be onto something ed...smiles. it makes all the difference in the word...
This flows beautifully through time and is very readable.
I think the afterward stands alone as a beautiful love poem!
Thanks, as always for your thoughtful comment on "Over A Cliff." Tricks? I wish. The words just tumbled out that way, reflecting what's going on in my head, I guess. I'm big on meter and it sometimes takes off on its own, dragging me with it.
Mystery solved.
I love this! While I might agree with the above alien theory (lol), this is a great metaphor.
Not I...not from apes. But hell yes, I stand straighter when you give yourself to me. Such a gift. It grows me inches.
You had me wondering where this was going Ed. Nicely done.
Ah love's evolution :)
Smiling, very clever weave and great to see you are stepping into something deeper.
Not sure I get the theory.
Love definitely has that effect. So much said(and unsaid)in one sentence.
Nicely done!
the theory is that love gets us to the next level of being.
or love evolves us.
Or both. I like that theory, and I also tend to agree with it--love engages all the parts and sets them working--like a tune-up of the soul. ;_) Enjoyed this much, Ed.
this makes me wanna stretch and stand as upright as i can...just to know..i'm human and to feel that love has brought me there...
Very cool ed - love the style of this pearler
The last line tells it all... the last line :)
Oh, I have to agree with your theory. Evolution based on emotion. Clever and well written.
Keep your head to the sky..
Oh... I just had to smile.
That's a great theory, Ed. I can say I've had one or two moments when this awareness hit me like an epiphany.
We are a miracle. Love is a miracle. A miracle has happened to you.
You are right nobody knows how we began but each day we are proud to stand up tall
Lifting the slouch of a "cool guy" to the responsible posture of a "responsible guy" - captures the passage to the next stage in a single sentence. WOW!
Your thoughts are so intense that they have convinced my wavering mind that I need no more convincing: I am an ape sir, and proud of it!
I'm sure your thoughts were on the cushion of air that falls under our steps the day we realize that we have fallen in love, but it brought to mind something my younger days that tickles me now, remembering how I would flex just a little, stick my chest out just a little, and hold my head just a little bit higher when I was with a young woman that I felt strongly about..... Some cultures accept that sort of thing, openly admire it, the men sticking their chests out like roosters proudly prancing in the company of their beautiful, significant others.... A true, very basic human emotion, Ed, that our own somewhat conservative culture wants us to push to the side.... But I think it's beautiful, and the depth of love you just expressed to your partner is extraordinary.....
I love your love theory Ed...makes perfect sense to me. Beautiful!
Ooooo, Ed! Someone is super lucky to have you standing tall from them!
Whew. This is nice ... and loaded: "I found myself standing up straighter than ever the day it went to the next level between us"
Nice theory to know about...way better than the bizarre theories people come up with.
I love how your words can be taken so many ways; one can easily apply them to their needs.
intriguing theory... i'm curious what happens when you move to the next level.
As you should. ;)
What a profound piece of work in one simple sentence! Awesome!
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