August 23, 2011

Garden Shadows

The earth is an old woman in her garden, doing the work, with dirt between her toes and fingers tipped with flowers, sugaring the land with water and laughter. 

The bears bring their young here. The monarchs breed here. The wolf pups play by the river.

The sunflower was born here, and so was every other flower.

I know where the raspberry bushes are loaded and sunlight trickles through mint leaves. A pumpkin patch grows every night. 

A stand of trees holds a sofa high in its branches. The old woman will sit with us and rub her feet at twilight. 

Later, while the world sleeps, we'll walk the stone path into each other's lives.

My touch is warm in the garden shadows. My heart is true.

For Open Link Night at dVerse.

This is the 7th part of The Seasons, a love letter from Spring to Summer. Here's the next part


Scarlet said...

I like the garden shadows.. though I do think of earth as Mother, an old woman, sugaring the land.

I like the active words ;-)

"My touch is warm in the garden shadows here. My heart is true."

Pat Hatt said...

Wonderful job weaving in such sights of the garden, with little snippets of nature. True after 4.6 billion years or so, supposedly, she is rather old..haha

Brian Miller said...

ed this is all the little facets you bring out about her...the rubbing the feet made her most human...and i will walk those stones as well...delight man

Sheri said...

Reading this makes me want to be Mother Earth, age and all.

ayala said...

I love the details in this, lovely. Thank you for your kind comment. I am sorry for your loss .

Mark Kerstetter said...

I love the simplicity and clarity of this poem. There's a refreshing sense of feeling at home in the natural world.

My Inner Chick said...

"I know where the raspberry bushes are loaded and sunlight trickles through mint leaves."

Ed, take me there :) !!

ed pilolla said...

thanks for the love:)

heaven, i changed the last line and knocked the 'here' out. i also knocked another here out earlier. it's a gimmick and i lean toward thinking it works but i like it better without the two heres.

okay, inner chick, let's go:)

darlin said...

Ed you have an amazing way with words, want to write a few papers for me? ;-)

I love the way you're paid respect to Mother Earth, it's a very touching piece.

Anne Gallagher said...

I've been reading this series for the last week, Ed, and I've got to say, it's just beautiful. Simply lovely.

Wine and Words said...

I always enjoyed your love letters best Ed. (EVERYONE SHOULD BUY 'DRAGONFLY') for I felt they said more of you, who you are, how you would love, or have, or do. I feel you, perhaps wrongly, shuttered much of the time, and your nickname has whithin it this meaning also. This was so beautiful. It read like Song of Solomon.

Claudia said...

this is beautifully all the warm and sensitive details...the sunflowers where born here...sensation of birth....The old woman will sit with us and rub her feet at twilight...sensation of touch and magic with a down to earth feel...this is how i like your voice most ed...this is gorgeous..

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful descriptive words!

Ed Pilolla said...

darlin, thanks. this is the second time i wrote about the old woman. the other one was wind sails i wrote last year. i love her:)

anne, awesome to see you:) thanks for popping in.

annie, you're hysterical. i'm going to blog something personal. your request will be answered. they always are:) i'm just a procrastinator, ya know.

thanks, claudia. thanks for sticking with me through some rough patches of writing, felt like:)

thanks for stopping by, kim.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for dropping by today. do you create the images in your post? I like this one today and the one with the girl with flowers for hair

Ed Pilolla said...

hi, sandra,
i get the images either from or i'd love to be able to design and create images like this. maybe someday...

Arron Shilling said...

Cool image ed. i like the metaphor
- made me think of my female blood line - mother earth of course - effective idea delivered with aplomb

Anonymous said...

A gentle music flows from your words.

Ed Pilolla said...

arron, wolfsrosebud, thanks so much:) great to meet.

lynne said...

She is a lovely woman, isn't she.. than k you for reminding me of her beautiful attributes..
much enjoyed..

Jinksy said...

You sound like a nature lover...
I wonder if you might enjoy some of the images I've started to make HERE

Deb Kirkeeide said...

oh, I love this so much. makes me smile. Well, to be truthful, the whole series makes me smile!

It's inspiring me to get back to exploring something more mythical in my paintings.

I hope there is more to come, Ed. I'm enjoying this so much.

Finally said...

I really like the imagery in this and the warm mood your words create

Mary said...

I really like this poem, especially the last two stanzas!

Laurie Kolp said...

Ahh... this is as beautiful and comforting as Mother Earth.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Beautiful! This reminds me so much of the 90-yr old mama of mine who works in her garden almost every day.