August 30, 2011

The Burnt Crown

Autumn woke up. He reddened nine leaves in his favorite valley and put a field of flowers to sleep on the mountainside.

Autumn found Summer at the fairy tree. He burnt the leaves gold on the branches and in her hair.

Then Autumn went to sleep again.

None approached Summer while she wore autumn colors. None interested Summer after Autumn’s morning quickie.

Summer laid in a clover patch outside Autumn’s underworld entrance. She crept closer in the moonlight and sniffed at his door, but Autumn slept soundly within.

The fact was, Autumn woke up for a night a couple weeks ago, colored a few leaves, planted a few seeds, and went back to bed. Autumn’s work came first in his life.

Summer didn’t know how to handle being No. 2.

Autumn knew how to handle Summer.

This post is part of the Poetry Jam's call for humor, which was brought on by Evelyn.

This is the 9th part of The Seasons. Here's the next part.


Brian Miller said...

nice capture of the complex relationship between these two...sniffing at the man

Kelley said...

I have to like the way you word things :)

Wine and Words said...

What woman does? Number two indeed. Autumn is such a player. See...shoulda been a woman. Autumn shoulda been me.

Geraldine said...

What a lovely tale on the cusp of Autumn! I'm glad I stopped by to enjoy this today.

Claudia said...

yes - autumn comes and goes at the moment...and i love the moments she sneaks in and leaves her breath hanging in the air between the last summer days....beautiful write ed..

Scarlet said...

Nice complex relationship between summer and autumn... being number 2is hard for a woman.. true ~

Pat Hatt said...

Wonderful play between the seasons and for that matter genders. Autumn and summer can go hand and hand, but when winter comes nothing is grand. Hate the cold..haha

Su-sieee! Mac said...

So autumn thinks! Wait until he feels like he's #2 or 3 or 4. :-)

ayala said...

Ed, I really love this!!!!

Lisa said...

I don't know who is the latest Winter, but I want to know if Autumn knew how to handle her.

Ed Pilolla said...

brian, thank you.

kelley, thank you.

annie, maybe autumn really is female. however, i can accept a male autumn only if he does good work:)

geraldine, thank you.

claudia, i love that you call autumn she:)

heaven, being number two is tough for anyone. but theses seasons were dysfunctional as humans, and they continue to be. winter too, unless being the sex slave of a cave man is functional. but i'm not going for functionality here, i'm going for fantasy fulfilled.

pat, i hate the cold too. in 06 i switched climates. woo-woo:)

susan, an interesting thought. i think i have tomorrow's post brewing in my head from a few of points in the comments here. thanks!

ayala, thank you.

lisa, autumn is cool, but winter is cold. autumn succumbs to winter, whoever she is. and it drives autumn crazy that he can't get the better of any of the winters. ice queens rule him. and autumn takes his frustrations of never truly having winter out on summer. summer would do anything for autumn.

Daydreamertoo said...

Beautiful, it feels as if you have a personal relationship with these seasons and, it just adds to it's depth and vision. Lovely.

Unknown said...

Cleverly penned metaphor, enjoyed the the playfulness to this! ~ Rose

Ed Pilolla said...

daydreamertoo, thank you.

c rose, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Autumn is a cad!

Lady Nyo said...

Oh! I love this! The personification of Summer and Autumn....this is so lovely!

And haunting. I'll go to sleep thinking about this poem!

Lady Nyo

Jannie Funster said...

That Autumn is one industrious cookie!

Autumn's "morning quickie" :) Delightful.

Ed, you always put your unique spin on things. I love reading your stuff. I never know what I'll find, but it's always charming. And entertaining!

Marion said...

Awesome write, Ed, but I'm with my pal, Annie. I believe the seasons are girly girls. LOL! (Well, winter *might* be a dude...)I just re-read your book, "Dragonfly" again yesterday and I loved it even more the 2nd time around. Blessings!!

Sheri said...

I am finding myself having feelings for these "just as confused as humans" and hopeful, seasons. Love what you've done!

Ann LeFlore said...

This is a great way to describe the seasons. Thank you so much for sharing

Ed Pilolla said...

darkangelwrites, thanks for reading.

lady nyo, thank you.

jannie, thank you.

marion, you are so sweet:) it was fun to write those letters.

sheri, these seasons have grown up before my eyes. it's weird but it does feel that way:)

ann, thank you.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I'm just crazy about this series. Wish I'd written it!

Maude Lynn said...

"Autumn's morning quickie." I love that. These are so good.

Ed Pilolla said...

rosemary, thanks for reading it. i'm jealous of your moon series:)

mama z, i love your attitude:)

Mark Kerstetter said...

Ed, this whole series should be published in a chapbook. I'd read it again and again.

ed pilolla said...

thanks so much, mark:)

Arron Shilling said...

Hi ed - i agree with Mark this is a good series and gets better as it develops - intiguing too - season can be a little stale in poetry but your bringing something to the table worth reading

Ed Pilolla said...

arron, thank you much.

Carol Riggs said...

Very interesting, and very lyrical. Nice! Keep it up. :)

Seasideauthor said...

I read Autumn is here now. Thanks.

Ed Pilolla said...

carol, thanks for your encouragement:)

seasideauthor, thanks for stopping by.

Alexandra said...

This one had energy that was so different from your most recent one.

This one had a little naughty boy to it.

Made it fun to read.

I like these, Ed, they're like getting letters in the mail.

Ed Pilolla said...

alexandra, thanks. as a matter of fact, i had a little ferocious boy energy brewing at the time:)

Helen said...

You have a new follower .... I went back to read more of your work ~~ I'm hooked!

Ed Pilolla said...

thanks so much, helen. glad you liked what you saw!

Margaret said...

The seasons DO have personality! Living now in the south, summer can be a bit of a drag and she deserves to be number 2. LOL

Pete Goulding said...

Hi Ed, I'm from Ireland. What's Summer?
Love the personification in this. Very well crafted.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

you have made a hard subject easy and funny.

well done.


barbara said...

Nifty interplay.
Somehow, though, now I want chocolate and a cup of coffee.

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

fabulous poetry.

join our free linking if you could.

Evelyn said...

"Autumn found Summer at the fairy tree. He burnt the leaves gold on the branches and in her hair."
magnificent poem all by itself...

Jack Edwards Poetry said...

Beautiful way to show the relationship of the seasons.