Everything is fight these days. I turn on the TV and the war movie on AMC tells me to fight. The lame -- but I'm still watching -- reality show tells me to fight to the finish. The Avatar cartoon tells me and my little nephew to fight. The sports announcers of absolutely every game, no matter the sport, tell me to fight. Even random T-shirts at the beach tell me to fight on.
Fight. Fight. Fight.
When the master returns, he will, once again, demonstrate the full power of the universe by...
brilliant. if only more realised it...
I read your comment Deidra's about reading Hafiz to your niece. I might look into him.
Thank you for being insightful and ... literary.
and I just missed out the word "on" in the above comment.
Yielding. Oh dude! That is now my word for the day. A mantra of sorts. Stop resisting and just be... no fighting, not today. Today, I am yielding!
I like your thinking. If only...
I am a fighter. I fight even peace...somehow for me, a comfort in resistence, as if the pressure equals reality, or solidity, some such shit. Ridiculous I know. None the less, I fight. My eyes black, my nose broke. Laura Croft, raiding tombs here and there. Somehow to yield is to give in, give up. I suppose it stems from the abuse...needing some measure of control. Yielding....very difficult indeed.
Yielding. What a great punchline. Did that the other night and found myself participating. It wasn't so bad.
brian miller, yielding sure ain't popular today, yeah. i agree, if only...
clarity, the book of hafiz is called the gift. it's downright magical. it's a book of love for god.
love, evolution and resilience, yielding has such poor connotation today. i remember my father once describing his more hands-off approach to a member of our family saying, less control is more. i thought, so it's still all about control for him! :)
lori, judo is a great demonstration in the power of energy exchange through yielding, sometimes:)
wine and words, i love your spirit. warrior spirits are drawn to me and i to them. it is a questions of tactics. sometimes fight seems the way. sometimes not, seems to me. it is about affecting control.
su-sieee mac!, yielding leads to participation. okay, that's interesting. i do know there are wormholes within the experience of yielding with another. once in a while someone melts when confronted with a lack of resistance in this culture. once in a while:)
Unfortunately sometimes fighting is the only option. That's the way I feel about all the toxic chemicals that have invaded modern life. It's my granddaughter. For her sake, I cannot yield.
alexandra, excellent point. resistance does seem key for some issues. resistance is also solely responsible for such important societal advances, like women's right and civil rights. no one in power handed these rights over. they only came after serious resistance, mostly non-violent, which is a form of yielding, insofar as we will protest and allow you the powers to prosecute us as you see fit for this civil disobedience. that's always been a scary development for the power structure.
fight for good things, peacefully, not fight in the aggressive, violent way that promotes negativity of the modern world.
I am thankful to be in yield mode, yes I am :)
something...someone has got to give. thanks for your wisdom.
lori, further thoughts: the art of judo, as i understand it, is to use another person's aggressive energy against them. the belief and training is that when one attacks, they are often out of control and off-balance and if the target remains calm and simply slaps the aggressor the right way, the attacker will fall on his face. or something:)
dezmond, right on, brother. i love your energy.
tori, yield mode. i like that. a season for everything. a time to yield.
deidra, yielding does not mean total capitulation. sometimes it does. yielding a little can mean big results, sometimes.
...and five for fighting songs i listen...
Wine and Words and I are very much alike - we are both survivors and so we are both fighters.
I think what I would add to your particularly insightful and wonderful post is that fighting isn't always about violence. I think Gandhi and Dr. King were fighters, but they fought the system through peaceful methods. But fighters they were.
In this sense I think yielding is also a form of fighting. I just think it requires a little more patience.
But some things are just too dark in this world to yield to them, and so some of us choose to fight with love and light.
phoenix, brilliant. christ let them pin him up on the cross and nearly brought the world down upon the powers becuz of it.
You have a brilliant mind and I love coming here:)
That is in the Tao Te Ching. It means we must be flexible like bamboo. One of my favorite parts is this, "The Master stays behind; that is why he is ahead." It is about paradox, which is an important concept.
buttercup600, brilliant? ha! i'm watching consecutive episodes of friends right now, and i'm vacationing in hawaii. how's that for a sad mind at work.
andrea, i'll have to dig out my copy of the tao te ching. the last time i read it was six months ago while i waited to try out for the wheel of fortune. seriously. didn't get accepted, clearly. that book was a major influence on me, though i still joke with the author and say things to the sky like, 'so i guess if i want peace i ought to work for war.'
like i said to buttercup, a sad mind at work here.
i do like your insight about it being a paradox. and i love that part about the master staying behind, that's why he is ahead. the best experience a ceo can have is working the most marginalized job in the company first. a ceo bred that way might not make the corporate profits anther would, but he or she would probably be a much more effective leader with that experience, i think.
i hope i didn't plagiarize from the tao. i'd be mortified. like i said, the book was a big influence on me and it's possible its lyrics got lodged in me.
That last sentence - pure genius! We need to yield more and fight less.
no plagiarism from the tao. checked up on the chapters having to do with yielding.
Yielding is such a lovely word to say.
Powerful – insightful post.
I’m a warrior of lightNlove – yielding to the momentum!
I like the tension between fighting and yielding. It is one of the things I appreciate about men :). Perhaps the master has already fought?
french fancy, and yielding has a powerful double meaning. sure, it means to give ground. but it also means to produce, as in a fertile field yields crops. or doesn't yield, as the case may be:)
gabriela abalo, warrior of lightnlove, yielding to the momentum. that's just delicious.
she writes, the master has had his ass kicked and lights punched out. the master has experienced rubbing up against power in this world. the master claims it is quite a lesson to be learned.
You got it!
See how well we all listen?
ed, i effing love this.
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